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49. The Highly Sensitive Person - Elaine N Aron (📱)

The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You - Elaine N Aron

Reading Notes:

Reframing. You must actively reframe much of your past in the light of knowing you came into the world highly sensitive. So many of your “failures” were inevitable because neither you nor your parents and teachers, friends and colleagues, understood you.

HSPs tend to be visionaries, highly intuitive artists, or inventors, as well as more conscientious, cautious, and wise people.

than others when speaking). By the way, thinking more than others about our own thoughts is not self-centeredness. It means that if asked what’s on our mind, we are less likely to mention being aware of the world around us, and more likely to mention our inner reflections or musings.

children who have older brothers and sisters are more likely to be HSPs—and that would have nothing to do with genes.

As for the disadvantages of the trait and his way of making peace with them, noise bothers him a great deal, so he lives in a quiet neighborhood, surrounding himself with lovely and subtle sounds, including a fountain in his backyard and good music. He has deep emotions that can lead to occasional depression, but he explores and resolves his feelings. He knows he takes things too hard but tries to allow for that.

Charles has organized his life around his trait, maintaining an optimal level of arousal without feeling in any way flawed for doing so.

You were born to be among the advisors and thinkers, the spiritual and moral leaders of your society. There is every reason for pride.