Home a blog which contains reading notes of some of the books I've read.

Books (2020)

Books I’ve read in 2020.

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1. The $100 Startup - Chris Guillebeau (📖)

The $100 Startup - Chris Guillebeau

Rating 9/10

Finished on : 6-June-2020

my reading-notes [The $100 Startup - Chris Guillebeau(https://alamgirqazi.github.io/blog/$100Startup)

2. Sea Prayer - Khaled Hosseini (📖)

Sea Prayer - Khaled Hosseini

Rating 9/10

Finished on : 6-June-2020

3. A Thousand Splendid Suns - Khaled Hosseini (📖)

A Thousand Splendid Suns - Khaled Hosseini

Rating 10/10

Finished on : 18-April-2020

4. Drive - Daniel Pink (📖)

Drive - Daniel Pink

Rating 9/10

Finished on : 28-March-2020

my reading-notes Drive - Daniel Pink

5. The Greatest Salesman In The World - Og Mandino (📖)

The Greatest Salesman In The World - Og Mandino

Rating 8.5/10

Finished on : 23-March-2020

my reading-notes The Greatest Salesman In The World - Og Mandino